Prussia So Popular In The Seventeenth And 18th Century Essay

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Prussia had some hard and not so hard times in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. They had various leaders as well as military and economic advances. Problems that could have been sorted out. So even if Prussia had a few bumps along the way they still made it throughout the centuries. There were some key events as well as some cultural audiences during the seventeenth century. These would include the very First Diet of all the Brandenburg lands and Frederick Williams being promoted from Elector to King. Some of the cultural advances would be that the Halle University was founded as well as the Prussia helping fund the Academy of Arts in Berlin. There have been many Prussian kings over the centuries, such as John Sigismund and George William, but none can compare to Frederick William, rightly named Fredrick William, the Great Elector. He is so named because he …show more content…

No more than two months later , on December 16, Frederick II astonishes Europe by marching a Prussian army into the rich Habsburg province of Silesia. The king of France, Louis XV, hearing the news, describes the young Prussian as a madman. Frederick himself says that the opportunity presented by Charles VI's death has the effect of giving 'free rein to his fever'. Several years later, Frederick in his old age, still devoted himself ceaselessly to the demands of government, is a familiar figure in Prussia in his threadbare military uniform. Inspiring both affection and alarm, he becomes known as 'der alte Fritz', which can be translated into 'old Fred'.
The lacking name of kingdom was given to the country when Frederick I , the son of the Great Elector, or Frederick WIlliam, crowned himself on 18 January, 1701, at Konigsberg. As long as the development of the internal strength of the country was backward there was little chance of gaining any important additions of territory, even though the great wars of the period made such efforts very

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