Proud And Intelligent Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Proud and Intelligent Odysseus
“Begin when all the rest who left behind them / headlong death in battle or at sea / had long ago returned, while he alone still hungered / for home and wife.” (19-22). In The Odyssey by Homer, King Odysseus must go out and fight in the Trojan War right after his son is born. After the war is won, Odysseus angers Poseidon because of his bragging. Odysseus must face all the trials and difficulties that Poseidon throws at him and he must get back home to his wife, son, and kingdom. Odysseus is proud and intelligent.
An adjective that describes Odysseus is proud. For example, Odysseus has just escaped the Cyclops cave. In book 9, “‘O Cyclops! Would you feast on my companions? / Puny am I in a caveman’s hands? / How do you like that beating we gave you…’” (395-397). This …show more content…

For example, Odysseus just stabbed the Cyclops in the eye and figured out how to escape. In book 9, “The cyclops’ rams were handsome, fat with heavy / fleeces, a dark violet / … I tied them silently together, twining / …then slung a man under each middle one.” (339, 340, 342, 344). This shows that Odysseus is really smart and he’ll things of things in a way most other people wouldn't. This also shows that Odysseus is intelligent because he always has good ideas and he makes good decisions for his men. In addition, some of Odysseus’ men were eaten by the Cyclops so Odysseus thinks of a way to get the Cyclops to fall asleep. In book 9, “‘Cyclops, try some wine. / Here’s liquor to wash down your scraps of men / Taste it, and see the kind of drink we carried…’” (253-255). This shows that Odysseus is intelligent because he always has good ideas and helps his men out, even if it was their fault. This also shows that Odysseus is a leader because he always came up with the strategies they used and the men will usually listen and follow his orders. Odysseus is intelligent because he thinks of ways to help other

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