Pros And Cons Of Volcker Rule

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Secondly, segregated operation could provide safety to both commercial banks and customers, and prevent commercial banks from misappropriating too much funds on high-risk activities.
Volcker rule could also make financial markets operate more stably.

4. The Controversies of Volcker Rule
With regard to the Volcker Rule, there are definitely a lot of arguments about its limitations and shortages, which are represented in four aspects: 1) the limitations of the rule; 2) the discussions on supervision aspect; 3) the rebounds from the industry; 4) the barriers in practicing the rule.

4.1 The limitations of the Volcker Rule
4.1.1 The Difficulty in Delimitate Proprietary Trading and Principal Trading
Volcker Rule is mainly focusing on forbidding the proprietary trading in commercial banks that requires the banks to set a clear boundary between proprietary trading and principal trading. However, in the process of actual bank trading transactions, there is no clear boundary between the two types of trading, which means it is impossible to completely differentiate the proprietary trading and principal trading. The US financial stability oversight committee (FSOC) in a recent report admitting that the supervision department has to "tightrope walking" to complete the rule, the supervision regulators must delimitate the principal trading that the commercial banks can do from the forbidden proprietary trading. If they define the proprietary trading too narrowly, it would impact the functions of the rule; if they define the proprietary trading too widely, it would harm the financial market. In reality, the banks as the market makers, they buy stocks from the customers, and then sell the stocks at a right time. However, it may take a very lo...

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...Banking Association)'s commitment for the draft rule, the banks would spend almost 6.6 million hours to execute the reports, whereby more than 1.8 million hours persistence is needed every year. That is to say, it needs one employee to work 3292 years, or for more than 3,000 bank employees to only work on the reports for one year.
The new Volcker Rule forbids the proprietary trading and limits the proportion of the hedge fund and private equity fund to no more than 3% for the banks, thus the banks worry about the Volcker rule will lead them to spend 10 million dollars to market making, insurance and risk hedging.
The cost for macroscopic scale is the reduction of market liquidity, thus have negative impact on economic recovery. What is more, the execution of Volcker Rule makes the American bank industry in a weak position compared to the international bank industry.

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