Pros And Cons Of Vikings

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When the Vikings first attacked England many of the Anglo-Saxons viewed them as people who don’t claim a religion. The thought of the Vikings not claiming a religion horrified the people of England because of many reasons. The main reason was because the Vikings didn’t worship the same God as the people of England and the Vikings also didn’t have any respect to the symbols that connected the people of England together (Gunnell 351). Another reason is that the Vikings had been trying to teach a different view of the world to the English people; which furiated the church because the church had been trying to throws out these beliefs. This view of the world seemed to anger the English people because these beliefs wasn’t written down in a book, it was always told orally which meant …show more content…

The god they worshiped above all gods was Òõinn, who was the head of all gods and is said to be the father of many of the gods (Gunnell 357). The Vikings believe that Òõinn sits in a high chair where he can watch over the whole entire world with his huge eye. They also believe that he is who breathes the first breathe into the first humans. The Vikings say that Òõinn is very popular with the warriors, which the Vikings consider themselves being, but they also mention that they aren’t sure if Òõinn wants those warriors’ dead or alive (Gunnell 358). The reason the Vikings say this because there are stories that mention the warriors alive and dead. The alive warriors are fighting battles for Òõinn and protecting him. The dead warriors are also preparing for a battle, a battle way more intense than the alive warriors ever fought. The battle of Ragnarok, which is the last battle at the end of the world. The Vikings also connect the living and the dead with the factor of Òõinn only having one eye, they believe that he has one living eye and one dead eye (Gunnell

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