Pros And Cons Of The Judicial System

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Are due process and the courts fair? How fair are the courts? Can they be trusted to give a fair outcome? In the past, our Founding Fathers and ancestors built and fought for this country with their blood, sweat and tears, and this country, its Constitution, and its beliefs were built upon the Bible. Among many new and different ideas in the formation of the government in this new country were branches of government, two political and one judicial. The judicial branch, as you may or may not know, is the Supreme Court of the United States. That, although it is the single judicial branch, is, arguably, the most necessary branch, because it is meant to keep the other political branches in check and answer questions not to be answered by politics. …show more content…

Just recently, a Justice died, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, leaving a seat open in a now divided and even Supreme Court, which has been busy lately, turning out more liberal verdicts on things like abortion and gender identity while deadlocking on others such as President Obama’s immigration policy and healthcare. Another controversy was Congress blocking President Obama’s appointment to the Supreme Court (Judge) Merrick Garland to replace the late Antonin Scalia purely for political reasons. That’s not all: Justice Hugo Black, whom I mentioned earlier, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, but there had been insufficient proof at the time of his appointment, so Congress confirmed him to the Supreme Court. He (Justice Hugo) later remarked that he joined and then resigned before his term in the Senate, vowing that he would not get involved with them again, and reassuring the public of this in the case of Chambers v. Florida, where he ruled in favor of African-American defendants who experienced violations of due process, as well as ruling segregation unconstitutional in the case of Brown v. Board of Education, where Thurgood Marshall, later to be appointed to the Supreme Court, represented the

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