Pros And Cons Of The Holocaust

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The Holocaust was caused by many different aspects which include Hitler’s perspective of Jews, the Nazi army and its allies, and persuasive speeches that involved millions of people with strong beliefs that the Jewish population should be exterminated. Hitler was the main reason the Holocaust evolved because of his strong beliefs that every human should be the same, look the same, and act the same and the Jews were just too out of the ordinary for that. Even though Hitler was different himself he continued to persuade millions of people to believe in this master race. The Nazi army and its allies were more than just a political party, they were a full- forced army. These soldiers were given the name “ Brownshirts” as they looted, wrecked, and …show more content…

The Nazi Party grew uncontrollably with persuaded Germans who thought killing innocent people will lead to an era where life for everyone was the same and no one was different or unique and by June of 1933, Hitler confessed, “ the Nazi Party has now become the German State.” The biggest impact Hitler had on the state of Germany and the countless number of cities was his never ending persuasive speeches that promoted not only the idea that everyone should be the same and that Jews disrespected the so-called religion the Nazis had created so they should suffer but he took this idea and placed it in the minds of kids, teenagers, and adults that this master race was the key essential to living a peaceful life but that was not the case at all. This extraordinary use of propaganda gave Hitler an edge as he gave speeches to schools, the Hitler Youth, and many town about how he was the solution to all their problems and how they needed him to bring their state back to …show more content…

These camps were located all throughout Germany and Poland. The Nazi Army created these camps to disintegrate the idea of Jews, German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, and people accused of “asocial” or socially deviant behavior basically living their lives peacefully. Although some of these people were lucky the majority had the face the towering gates of over 100 concentration camps with a somewhat brave look on their face though they knew they were going to die a cruel life. Concentration Camps not only were designed to use these innocent human beings for slave work, but it was to make sure they didn’t live another day of happiness once they were stripped of their clothing and renamed with a number that meant nothing, and eventually died of starvation, intense gas chambers, overworked, or killed by the SS or Nazi Soldiers. The three main Concentration Camps were Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Krakow-Plaszow. The Auschwitz Camp was located in Oswigaim, Poland and was the largest death camp built. This major death had four gas chambers and around 6,000 Jews died each day from being gassed. What made Auschwitz different from any other concentration camp is that not only was this camp designed

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