Pros And Cons Of Space Exploration

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Why Space Exploration Is Bad Yet Good Space travel has it’s pros and cons. Many people have argued on why space exploration is a terrible idea, but others have disagreed on that. Some say that space travel is an unnecessary expenditure, especially with everything going wrong on earth. Space exploration not only cost a lot, but it also risks the lives of astronauts. Exploring other planets can be an exceptional thing; for example, it creates jobs. Not only does it create jobs, it may also prevent future terrorist attacks. Space travel does cost quite a bit. It even costs a lot to launch a space shuttle, not build one, but launch. It cost about $450-billion to launch a space shuttle. It also costs $40-billion to build a space elevator. …show more content…

They’ve explored less than five percent of the ocean and a little over seventy percent of earth 's surface. Instead of trying to learn about other planets, they should be trying to learn more about earth and the species that live on earth. About eighty-six percent of the species on earth are still unknown. Many people are concerned with the money spent building spaceships and launching a spaceship, when they could be spending money building more submarines and exploring the oceans. Finding new species that live underwater or even helpful materials. There’s about fourteen percent of species we could find and learn about. Space can be important, but the place we live on should come …show more content…

Even when training, it can be dangerous. Imagine if space tourism existed today. If they had the technology and other necessities they need to take people to space. Many people today have dreamed about going to space, and traveling throughout space. Many different things attract people to want to travel space. Aside from those who have already been to space, some say it’s an enjoyable life occurrence. It may be very engrossing experience to have a view of earth, stars, and other planets. It could be a very overwhelming event. They’d have to build very powerful reusable spacecrafts to make space tourism happen. The Space program has very powerful vehicles for traveling space, but not powerful enough to take people to space. People would have to pay a lot of money to go on the tour. Only because it would cost millions, maybe billions to build spacecrafts and other to go to space. It would also cost to launch so that 's even more money. The experience may be worth the cost,

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