Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms

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What to wear? This is the question students ask themselves every morning before going to school. Nationwide educators and parents are debating whether or not their schools will be a part of those public schools who have chosen to have their students to wear school uniforms. The wear of uniforms in public schools may reduce bulling, teasing, possible violence, creates a better learning environment and may even maintain social equality. Since the 1990s, the practice of having public school students wear uniforms--like their private school peers--has been credited with some amazing results. School uniforms, proponents have said, can lead to improved discipline and classroom behavior, increased school attendance, respect for teachers, better school performance, higher student self-esteem and confidence, lower clothing costs, promotion of group spirit, reduction in social stratification, and lower rates of violence and crime. Uniforms, in short, seem like the solution to all of education's problems. (Konheim-Kalkstein, 2006)
According to various schools administrations, criminal tendencies among students have reduced since the introduction of uniforms in public schools. In 1995, Long Beach, Calif., became the first large urban school district to require uniforms for all students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Five years later, overall crime in the school district had dropped by 91 percent. Suspensions were down 90 percent, sex offenses had been reduced by 96 percent, and vandalism had gone down 69 percent. New York City adopted a policy in 1999 that allowed schools to vote on whether to opt out of a new school uniform policy. About 70 percent of the city's elementary schools adopted school uniforms. In 2000, the Philade...

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...ackets. School uniforms also take the pressure off students to pay top dollar for clothes, according to Reginald Wilson, a senior scholar at the American Council on Education in Washington, D.C (PBS October 12th, 1999). Public schools should require uniforms in order to benefit both the students and society as a whole. Wearing uniforms may help to build up a school spirit and camaraderie and identifying with their school makes young people more respectful and makes them treat school properties carefully. Public schools should make uniforms mandatory in public schools, due to positive outcomes in preventing bulling and negative stereotype, and they will also improve the students learning in the classroom. Students all over the United States are affected by other students teasing or commenting on their choice of clothing and should be treated equally with respect.

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