Pros And Cons Of Philip Malloy

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Students and children have limited first amendment rights which at times subjects them to unfair treatment . Students have also fought for their rights, and few have won, but the one that have succeeded have breathed new life into students rights. An example of this is in a fiction book called Nothing But the Truth. A boy named Philip Malloy found himself fighting for his rights after singing the national anthem in a disrespectful manner during his class, which caused a major disturbance. I don’t agree with Philip’s behavior, but his case is interesting because I doubt an adult would have similar consequences. One reason why Philip had limited rights was that Philip can’t sing the national anthem during the morning announcements in his homeroom …show more content…

If the student is causing a disturbance the school can do something to the student(s).Once again wrote on Paragraph 1 of the Fraser Standard “in the case of Bethel v. Fraser, the Supreme Court ruled that school officials could punish high school senior Matthew Fraser for giving a speech before the student assembly that contained lewd references.”A student can give a speech but the speech must not contain rude, inappropriate, and other references that the school doesn’t want. Next up is on and it wrote Paragraph 2 of the Fraser …show more content…

According to on page 2 paragraph 1 “students cannot assert their First Amendment rights in a private school setting”This quote just flat out said that students don’t have first amendment rights in private schools. Then on page 1 paragraph 1 a qoute says “Generally speaking, the Constitution applies equally to everyone, regardless of age, color, race, religion, or any other factor. However, minors are a special category of person, and in many cases, the rights of minors can be suppressed in ways that the rights of adults simply may not be.”Students are apparently a special category of person and don't have first amendment rights because of our age which I feel like is unconstitutional. Then once again on page 1 paragraph 4 it says “The most common such violations are of the rights of students”Students rights are being violated the most which means that students have the least amount of right which is completely unfair and unconstitutional. Then another quote from page 1 paragraph 5 ”In this duty of the school, many decisions can be made that are outside the normal governmental purview.”This means that the school can make decisions that are outside the normal governmental purview so basically the school can go past student’s first amendment rights.Finally one again on page 1 paragraph 6 a qout states

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