Pros And Cons Of Oligarchy In The United States

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Oligarchy means that a small group of people have control of an area. Oligarchy is the limitation of political power to a few if families or individuals. This is not like what we have in the U.S.A., but we should have it because there are too many people in this country that are in power. In the U.S.A we have a democracy that means that there is a president and then congress that are in charge and they have too much power. Oligarchy on the flip side doesn't have too many people in power if u read the definition stated at the top. Oligarchy should be our government because then the government would have more control over laws, and other things. The smaller the government the better because we could get more benefits from the government . There …show more content…

Starting in 10th century BC. Oligarchy is a government that has a few families or individuals as the ones who rule. There are a few countries that use this government and here is a short list if them: India, Britain, Russia, China, Venezuela, North Korea and South Africa. There are some advantages and disadvantages in this government which refers to a form of government that concentrates power in the hands of an upper class, rather than a president, and congress, or everyone in congress, and the primary advantages appear to exist for the benefit of that upper class, while the disadvantages apply to the rest of the citizens who have to follow laws written to benefit that small group. Oligarchies often come about as a response to social disaster, such as the fallout in Germany after World War I or the ruling group in the fictitious country of “Oceania that emerged in George Orwell's novel "1984."”It is estimated that the 2016 elections will cost close to $10 billion. Aside from the top 1 percent, who in the middle class or among the poor can participate in such an expensive process? This has become STATE OF IDAHO JUDICIAL BRANCH Tribal State Court Forum." Tribal Government. Supreme Court. …show more content…

Consider the candidates. Bill and Hillary Clinton have made $141 million over the past 8 years and have paid $43 million in taxes. Jeb Bush has already received $103 billion for his campaign. The election system has destroyed the playing field for almost every ordinary citizen. Contrary to the contemporary view of politics as a rat’s nest of paltry swindling, Niccolò Machiavelli, the fifteenth-century courtier and political theorist, rates it as the most worthy of human endeavors when supported by a citizenry possessed of the will to act rather than the wish to be cared for. Without the “affection of peoples for self-government…cities have never increased either in dominion or wealth. Former president Jimmy Carter said Tuesday on the nationally syndicated radio show the Thom Hartmann Program that the United States is now an “oligarchy” in which “unlimited political bribery” has created “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.” Both Democrats and Republicans, Carter said, “look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to

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