Pros And Cons Of Is Google Making USupid

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Everyday technology is becoming more preeminent in our society. We have created machines and gadgets that seemed like dreams even just one hundred years ago. Most of these inventions have no doubt benefited society. No one would deny the fact that the polio vaccine, which was discovered through countless research and technological devices, was a tremendous breakthrough in the medical field. Most everyone would also agree that the start of the automobile industry has improved society and has made communicating to others much easier. It may seem as if there are only advantages to technological breakthroughs like these, however not everything that has been created has improved society 100% of the time. Many discoveries have been debated …show more content…

In this piece he wrote about the many disadvantages that Google and the internet have made on the human race. He included some personal examples that he has had on the effects of the internet and its wide variety of information. Carr states in the second paragraph, “I’m not thinking that way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading.” and also “The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.” These real life examples Carr writes of show that he has experienced many of the downfalls of the internet. He was an extremely intellectual man who read quite frequently and now has trouble even reading two or three pages because of the internet. He admits to finding himself getting fidgety and bored when attempting to read a long piece of work because he is used to the quick, immediate information that the internet gives …show more content…

I do agree that one can read much more deeply when having a real, paper copy of a novel than a quick article on the internet. I agree that the internet can be dangerous when used too often or for long periods of time. I agree that computers and the internet can take a part out of the “true human experience” when one simply believes the first thing that they read on the internet without truly breaking it down and searching for truth and validity. However, I personally do not believe that the internet is hurting society in such a detrimental way that this article speaks of. Yes, it can be abused and relied on when it should not be, but the advantages to the internet are far greater than the disadvantages. The internet allows us to have an abundant amount of information and resources available to us when we look for answers. Instead of only one or two sources available in a library, we now have thousands of free avenues to find accurate information. We are able to find backup to the information searched for and reasons that prove its legitimacy. Of course not everything on the internet is correct so one must take the time to do the research to make sure what they are reading is true. The internet also allows us to connect with people all over the world. Whether for business purposes or personal connections, we can search

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