Pros And Cons Of Illegal Immigrants

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Fear and hatred of the unknown has greatly increased in America today. This unknown is a different race of people than the common caucasian in America. This has led to racism of others especially immigrants. People come here to work for a better life for their families, unfortunately the requirements and money to come in to the United States is too much so they come in illegally. People have gone to extreme measures turning to mass deportation and building a wall. A path to citizenship should be created to help the immigrants gain a legal status in America. Illegal Immigrants throughout history have shared America into the great country it is today, and still help maintain the economy and diverse culture of America. America’s president Donald Trump once said “a nation without borders is not a nation.” He represents a majority of people in America today. Individuals have gone far enough to wanting to build a wall border between Mexico and The United States. They also say that Mexico will pay for the wall, and if they don't there will be many consequences including impounding all remittance payments obtained from illegal wages, increasing costs of visa, charging more at entry ports and many other things (Top,4.) A wall will not fix …show more content…

This rips apart families from each other. Young kids who are American born citizens are left devastated without their parents and/or siblings. Kids who are just in elementary school who's parents work hard everyday to provide for their well being will be left without no-one, what have they done to deserve this? The mass deportation would significantly hurt the business that will be losing many of its workers. The mass deportation will cost lots of money to the country and courts that have to handle immigration cases would be overwhelmed (Top,6.) Instead of deporting there should be a path to obtain a legal status for the immigrants instead of deporting

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