Pros And Cons Of Gentrification

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Diaz Presas Soc 330 Prof. Alonso June 1, 2016 Gentrification Around the World: What are the Results? Abstract In this paper, the effects of gentrification around the world are being examined. First, this paper looks at the effects of gentrification in the United States. Next, the pros and cons of gentrification are discussed. Then, with literature research, gentrification in different cities around the world are also discussed. Gentrification in the United States has a negative connotation and is highly associated with the displacement or eviction of low income families. After the research was done, it was found that the research was partially rejected. Although displacement and evictions were common …show more content…

“Gentrification within cities has been attributed to an array of coalescing factors including the rise of a service economy, increasing preference for urban living, widening ‘rent gaps’, and growth of nontraditional households.” (P. Nelson & A. Oberg;2010) Gentrification does not necessarily have a positive demeanor when it comes to how the low income residents in these areas that are being affected by gentrification speak about it. To them, gentrification is just another way to discriminate and or segregate people based on socioeconomic status. “… the term gentrification within both urban and rural studies has been seen to signify a change in the social composition of an area with members of a middle-class group replacing working class residents”. (Nelson & Oberg, 2010) Before claiming that the only outcomes of gentrification are negative, there are also positive outcomes. Gentrification not only “beautifies” deteriorating neighborhoods but also bring with it other positive aspects. Gentrification brings in safer streets. “For 11 years, crime rates in L.A. have generally dropped, many argue as a result of gentrification…” (Tarvana & Simpson, 2015) For example, in Los Angeles, gang and crime activity has decreased significantly in areas that are now gentrified. Gentrifications helps with improving the economy. With gentrification comes job opportunities. The people that are …show more content…

“Gentrification is white flight in reverse, but it's worse than that because it’s based on the belief that you're doing the right thing.” (Tarvana & Simpson, 2015) Gentrification brings with it displacement, eviction, police violence, and forced homelessness. Those that are against gentrification say gentrification is classist. Gentrification divides the rich from the poor, leaving those few low income residents who can somehow manage to afford the sky high housing costs pressured to adopt the rich lifestyle by living more quietly and neatly. Cities like San Francisco are “evicting lifelong residents of the once-poor Mission neighborhood to build palaces for tech millionaires.” (Tarvana & Simpson, 2015) Residents also say gentrification is a cycle that will never end and is also useless. Residents also end up unhappy. “Displacement is not the accidental and unintended side effect of gentrification, but its core,” says a 2011 German study on the subject. (Tarvana & Simpson, 2015) Violence will also increase. Tensions between police and low income residents in gentrified areas will rise and class conflict is

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