Pros And Cons Of Free Universal Healthcare

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Free universal healthcare has been a debate for many years with two sides providing pros and cons. With these two arguments, we have an opportunity to analyze both sides and make a well informed opinion on whether or not free universal healthcare is necessary. By providing statements supported by factual evidence, both arguments supply readers with an effective debate and leaves them to make their decision to have their own thoughts and opinions on the issue. On one side of the argument we are given the idea of how universal healthcare can benefit society more than it can hurt it. For example, "With 45 million American uninsured, and CNN reporting 45,000 American are dying per year because they don't have access to health care because costs, a universal health care system would remedy the problem of affordability." (Ireland, Kay). Kay addresses the idea of how many Americans suffer from the lack of proper healthcare and the neglecting actions taken by the government resulting in death and sickness being the social norm. In addition, healthcare costs are constantly inflating more and more while we wait for …show more content…

By looking at other places with universal healthcare, we have found major flaws in their systems such as lack of importance and misplacement of people files, information leaked to the government about medical records, and the overall cost of it all. According to the Commonwealth Wealth Fund study, some countries with universal health care struggle to sustain efficiency and in addition, Canada and Australia were ranked lowest in accessibility of physician appointments and wait times for basic medical services, as well as specialist care, tests, and elective surgery. By providing examples of other countries failing with the system of free healthcare, readers get the clear concept of the negative effects the system could have on our society as a

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