Pros And Cons Of Exxonmobil

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ExxonMobil also made attempts at manipulating the public opinion on greenhouse gas emissions and energy issues because renewable sources could potentially cost them a lot of business (McNerney). Companies like ExxonMobil wounded the argument that fossil fuels are having a negative effect on the environment and led the American people to believe that our nation must wait to act in implementing renewable resource policies. The argued that we need to wait to act on an environmental emergency until “all the science” reassures us that fossil fuels and climate change is a serious threat to not only humankind, but also to our nation, and essentially, the entire Earth (McNerney).
It is small minded to think that the only issues our earth faces with petroleum is when there is a major oil spill in the ocean. The visuals from massive oils spills make sensational and emotionally charged pictures. Who can forget the BP oil spill of 2010? But a lot of the petroleum that is harming our natural environment comes from less astounding sources. On a day-to-day basis, refined oil finds a way to enter our environment from small deposits such as a leak from a car or dumping down municipal drains (McNerney). This petroleum …show more content…

These technologies are more expensive than conventional fossil fuel technologies, and their use would greatly surge the energy cost for all individuals. Overall, renewable requirements tack on an additional 40% to the wholesale electricity price, this means that there would be a direct increase in the electricity bills of house holds, by 12%, that not everyone can seem to afford (Moran). The 12% seem like nothing though in comparison to how much it would cost for a business to switch their energy to a renewable

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