Pros And Cons Of Entomophagy

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One of the problems humanity faces is food scarcity. Entomophagy is able to help reduce food scarcity. Entomophagy is the technical term for eating insects. It takes way less space to breed insects and to feed them compared to cattle such as cows or pigs. They are a great source for proteins, fats, and important minerals. (Chung)
About 805.3 millions (11.3% of the world) people were malnourished worldwide in 2012-2014.(CNN) Malnutrition is a general term that covers both undernutrition and and over nutrition. Insects need less food to eat so not only will insects give you nutrients to eat, they also leave more crops to feed people.

The first reason to why entomophagy will help with food scarcity is that it is significantly more efficient than cattle. A single kilogram of feed yields 12 times more edible cricket protein than beef protein. (BBC) Also another plus is that some species may not need as much water to survive, using less water than cows, pigs, or poultry. (BBC) A cow would need to eat 8 grams of food to gain 1 gram in weight. However insects only need less than 2 grams to gain the same amount. Also because insects don’t live for long they …show more content…

Entomophagy may be of the best ways to reducing food scarcity. If you make sure that your insects aren’t eating anything dangerous and keep them contained then there is very little chances of them containing heavy metals. As for the allergies, you should probably be weary of eating insects if you are allergic to some arthropods. But the best thing to do is to do your research on what type of bugs you eat. Not only could entomophagy possible lower livestock if we were to feed them insects, they would also leave us more food for people to eat. The insect won’t need as much water and that can also go to crops. Even though there are many things we do not know about entomophagy if we take care to keep risks at a minimum we can maximize the benefits to

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