Pros And Cons Of Driverless Cars Essay

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Over the recent years, there has been a major question that is still being debated even today. The question is should we allow driverless cars on our roads. Many people are supporting that we should allow driverless cars on the road. But other people don’t like the idea of driverless cars on the road. The driverless cars will affect these three areas that all the people care about the most. They are safety impact, environmental impact, and an economic impact. The Washington Post authors Michael Laris and Ashley Halsey III wrote the article Will driverless cars save millions of lives? Lack of data makes it hard to know. to try to find the truth about driverless cars. In the article, the authors say that the government and Uber (a person pick …show more content…

the authors state that “Millions of truck and taxi drivers will be out of work, and owing to the rise of car-sharing and app-based car services, people may buy fewer vehicles, meaning automakers and their suppliers could be forced to shed jobs.” And what happens to the people that loss their job by these machines. Eventually, the roads and bridges would need to fix to have the driverless cars working at best as they can. The author states that “Where will the resources to maintain and repair roads and bridges, an effort already underfunded by more than a trillion dollars, come from?” Another idea that the author brings up is security. In the article, the author wrote, “Today’s cars can be hacked easily. New protocols must be agreed on, and even then, nefarious actors will learn how to remotely start and stop cars, steer them, steal them, crash them or even take them hostage.” The author strongly agrees that we need to improve the cars and make sure that it is impenetrable to cyber attacks that anyone with the knowledge can implement. The author wants driverless cars to be controlled by the person that owns the

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