Pros And Cons Of Distracted Drivers

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As a mother, when I am driving, my first concern in any situation on the road is my daughter. I not only have to be aware of my own driving, but also to the drivers around me. I have been in countless situations where I have been almost pushed off the highway by a woman changing lanes while applying makeup, or a man texting and driving, not realizing he was slowly swerving into my lane. My reflexes have been our only saving grace to the possible accidents. Unfortunately, distracted driving is a common issue in modern society. A study made by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2017 found that approximately 9 deaths and over 1,000 injuries in crashes occur every day due to distracted driving in the United States.1 The largest …show more content…

There are several ways drivers can combat the urge to text and drive. Many electronic devices offer a “Do Not Disturb” mode in their settings, which allows the driver to travel without disturbances from phone notifications, save a phone call from selected contacts. There are also dozens of hands-free applications available to both Apple and Android devices that can assist drivers with immediate needs whilst traveling. But simply put, drivers need to learn to put the phone down. No text, email, “selfie,” or social media notification is more important than their life or the ones around them. It is my hope that, with my state’s new law and growing hands-free technology, I can watch our nation become a safe driving environment for myself and my daughter. 1. National Center for Statistics and Analysis. Distracted Driving: 2015, in Traffic Safety Research Notes. DOT HS 812 381. March 2017, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Washington, D.C. 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance- United States, 2015. 2016, Retrieved From:

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