Pros And Cons Of Coal

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Today 80% of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels and about 1% comes from solar energy, which is not such a bright idea since nonrenewable resources, such as oil, coal, and gas, are limited (Eia 1). Most significant uses of coal are in steel production, electricity, cement manufacturing, and as a liquid fuel. Solar energy is one of the least used energy sources we have access to in the world; it is also one our mother Earth is relying on to save the nonrenewable fuels, such as fossil fuels. Solar energy is a very useful resource that many of us do not take advantage of because of the limited amount of information we know about it. Cooking coal, also known as metallurgical coal, is used for steel production as well. Coal comes from very …show more content…

It is made up of sedimentary and organic rock which is composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Coal is straight from the ground, which also gives many men and women jobs as well as risking their lives working on the unknown underground. There are multiple ways to convert coal into energy we use in an everyday basis. The first step is the first stage of turning coal into electricity, grinding the coal into fine powder and so forth. There are pros that come from the underground such as creating over four hundred thousand volts. As of today they are growing in large economies. They say, "the cheaper the better". In this case, using coal, "the cheaper it is, the less your guaranteed". More than 1.1 billion tons are being made as of 2007. An estimated five billion people work in China 's coal mining industry. As many as 20,000 miners die in accidents each year. Yes, they do give plenty of people the opportunity of some sort of work with good pay, but it has its downfall as well such as deaths, that are pretty unexplainable. The number one con that coal causes, has to be pollution. Pollution can start from anything like throwing a water bottle after a long practice, or chemically, like a cigarette you throw out of your car. Pollution is already exposed by the refineries, factories and diesel vehicles. Pollution is the start of what changes the color and texture of our land and ocean. The coal companies use water to create the steam in the boiler taking out water from a lake, after they are finished with the water from the boiler some toxins get in the water and released into our oceans and seas. Plus, the burning of coal which is called ash, that we humans inhale even though we might not see it. Think of it as a dark, smoky layer in the bubble called an atmosphere, and we are stuck standing in the middle. Some coal mining companies are getting a bargain on federal land and skirting export royalties,

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