Pros And Cons Of Budget Cuts

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Hospitals and Medical Centers, country-wide are suffering from extreme budget cuts. Effecting the health of children, technology the centers use, and layoffs of hardworking people. Budget cuts affect, not only the Medical Centers, but the economy it is in. Budget Cuts are the act of reducing budgeted expenditures (Free Dictionary Website). Medical Funding Cuts Cause Reductions in Community Medical Assistance for Children, Medical Technology, and Jobs. There are many ways to get an funding budget. Hospitals, in general, get their funding budget from the state, federal, and also foundations and grants. The hospitals get millions of dollars altogether from all of these resources. The most common budget the hospitals get their money from are from …show more content…

The main machines/technology they use are computers, monitors, intravenous devices, medication administration. The main thing in the medical centers are a sling lift. The most common machine that will be found are computer technology (What Technology Do Registered). The nurses, doctors, and staff use them for schedule, timekeeping, ordering medication or supplies, and for research. The next common machine are monitoring systems, that allow the nurse to collect the patient 's information. These include, fetal monitors, heart monitors, and vital sign. In hospitals, patients have intravenous lines, which go through devices that can control the flow, and will sound an alarm in the line gets a kink in it or is unplugged. There are also other alarms to warn the nurses if the IV bag or bottle is getting low (What Technology Do Registered). The slige life is a device that is crane-like, and helps nurses or caregivers lift and move the patient. Attached to the crane-like device is a sling, the sling supports the patient. Some medical technology are able to detect deviance or disease, before any signs of sickness is shown (Medical Technologies and the Life …show more content…

Due to deep cuts in the Virginia 's budget system, nursing home and hospital officials say it could lead to layoffs at facilities throughout the commonwealth. The hospitals throughout the state told their members they will most likely have to layoff 4,532 jobs, that includes healthcare jobs. It was also argues that the number could jump to 6,321. In a local Roanoke office, American Health Care laid off four of its employees, and soon will have a wage freeze for the year, laying off almost all 2,200 employers. A July statistics report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the healthcare sector added jobs in the month of July, but the budget fund made them cut around 4,000 jobs in hospitals nationwide (Budget Cuts May Affect). At the end of 2012-2013, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (WFBMC) has announced that 950 positions will be eliminated with 475 positions currently held by employees. The spokesman of the Davie County Hospital, Chad Campbell, says of 475 positions, and 56.5 come from its Lexington Medical Center affiliate. As being the largest employer in Forsyth county, WFBMC is cutting 894 positions, which is 6.6 percent of its current local workforce (Wake Forest

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