Proof Fence Monologue

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Unable to fly, spreading feathers, flapping around like a maniac with my clipped wings, bumping into everything on the way, spreading panic all over the place, hope was all that kept me going! Like a pale autumn leaf being taken here and there by the wild wind of life, not sure which direction I was heading towards, I was going. I was going, running around listlessly; not stopping. I was going. Once and for all. I had to go. It was my one and only chance. I had to. Wondering how he had forgotten to lock the door of the cage, I had not gone far, when, I suddenly found myself struck; I couldn’t get up. I was caught in a trap. It was a piece of wire from the fence; I saw my leg caught fast in the snare. I couldn’t deliver myself. Yes, despite …show more content…

My hopeless hope. It had dared to draw back, a bit closer. But, the hands! The touch! Peculiarly familiar. Aah! What a terrible fate I was born with! Was fate playing with me? Was it mocking me? It was laughing already. I could hear it cackle. Was it enjoying seeing me suffer? Why wouldn’t it kill me? Why won’t it let me die? My savior? He who had pinched my freedom, my life; my comfort, had now come to steal my last chance to escape this cruel world, as well. He, who had caged me, had come to rescue and earn me freedom. How cruel! How …show more content…

I cried and screamed silently. I told him not to tend to my wounds. Not to care for them. To pretend that I wasn’t hurt, as always. I told him to let me be. To let every drop of blood seep out of my body. To let my flesh be shredded and consumed by some other animal than him. To let me die. To let my dust never be counted. He heard nothing. He never did. He cleaned my superficial wounds and broken blood feathers. He wrapped my ripped leg loosely to the body with gauze and then tapped it to prevent further injury. He put me back in the cage affectionately for, now; I was a frightened, worn-out, bleeding, and half-dead little bird, a hapless barn swallow only. Huh! Humans are a bit strange for hankering after caging up birds. The past! Why was it flashing over the blank slate of my memories? My mother! My father! My brothers! Our home! I could see them all. Those expunged images! They were coming back. I could see my mother circling wildly in the air and calling out warnings to us. She was beating her wings in a state of great distress. Instead of flying away, she darted down and perched upon the nest, covering us with her wings. She was crying. She was screaming. She called the kites, passing by, to come and help her. None came. All flew away in frenzy. Who would dare to fight him? After all, he was a mighty human and they, only

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