Project Management Case Study

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Question 1 Background Knowledge The topic of my group (group 4) was “How to totally float through your project for free” and the presentation was held by Roger Goodman who works for PMI NZ and Ernst & Young supply chain management with many years of working experience in many different countries such as Saudi Arabia and China. The whole presentation was about concept of network diagram and beginning to end of project cycle. At the beginning of the presentation he emphasized that as a student studying project management we should understand what network diagram is and have to know how to compress the duration of project down using the diagram. Being closely connected with stakeholders is one of the fundamental virtues of project manager because …show more content…

However, there was a difference existed. Roger taught us one step further than what I have learned in class which was about project crashing and time-cost trade-off. The project manager is obligated to reduce the scheduled completion time of a project to meet a deadline. In other words, the manager must finish the project sooner than planned project end date. Project duration can be reduced by putting more labour to project activities and assigning more resources but the problem is that additional labour and resources will increase project cost. Thus, project manager’s decision must be based on an analysis of the trade-off between time and cost. Project crashing, however, is a method for shortening the project duration by reducing the time of one or more activities on critical path. It has to be an activity on critical path to make an actual impact on project duration. Drawing a network diagram is a good way to simplify the project relationship and find slacks on critical path to compress the project duration. The decision to crash should take place only after all the possible alternatives are

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