Progression In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Brave New Progression

Imagine where happiness is the only option, this is an example of how progression can go bad, but it can also be advantages to society and humans all together. In the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, a science fiction book about a perfect utopia where the norm for everyone 's is to being happy going out having fun, popping soma ( a happy drug), and having sex. Then it all changes when a man named Bernard goes against it all to get deeper feelings and more meaningful life. This is all do to progression. It can be seen everywhere in the book most obviously in their technology, culture, and society. As you will see like Benard did all of this progression has its drawbacks that follows them as well.

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The views are completely different from what people see now a days. For instance in the book a character comes across an old man from a native tribe that doesn 't use the new technology found in the book but keep it original. The character then says “But the Director’s old lots of people are old, they’re not like that” (Huxley 110). This shows that they have have forgotten what happens to you if you don 't have the technology to stop your aging thus this in return can have huge effects on society with how people react with each other. It almost gets ride of the way to identify who has more say than the other imagine your grandparents parents and an average twenty-one year old all looked the same you couldn’t tell who was older. Imagine how dating would change if an old man looked like a young one. This actually in many ways gets rid of problems in today’s society but it of course also has its drawbacks. Now on top of that imagine a pill that makes you happy and forget about everything that gots you stressed and you 're in the wrong if you don 't use it. The book shows how the pill like the age stopping technology has its positives and negatives. The quote goes as “Soma may make you lose a few years in time,” the doctor went on, “but think of the enormous, immeasurable durations it can give you out of time” (Huxley 154). The quote shows how you lose your natural lifespan by taking it but that it can make you feel as if you 're at a place of time for way longer then what you really were. With all this technology and the government making you lose your own thought and personality it hard to know what it would be like to have it back. One of the characters in Brave New World knew about these feeling and had them but didn’t know what they were he had no one to turn to that can relate. He begins showing people how he feel and from it an another character see what he is feeling and gets a change of mind and beginnings to want

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