Progress Is Trouble

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Charles F. Kettering once said, “The price of progress is trouble.” This statement is true because for there to be progress a thought or ideal must be challenged. When a person’s thoughts get challenged, a conflict will usually arise from this. However, this conflict is necessary for progress to happen. In the most basic form this quote is proven true by the game of football. For a team to advance down the field and score they have to face adversity. Historically advancements in academics were very troublesome. Advancements in civil rights were also very troublesome. Finally advancements in technology have caused trouble in society. The statement, ”The price of progress is trouble” is proven true by trouble caused by advancements in academics, …show more content…

Anytime that one person's thoughts disagreed with what was widely accepted that person would be persecuted. This is shown best by Galileo Galilei. Galileo popularised the heliocentric model of the universe that is now known to be true. The heliocentric model of the universe placed the sun at the center of the universe instead of the widely popular geocentric model, this placed the earth at the center of the universe. At this time, the church supported the geocentric model of the universe. As a result of this idea he was arrested by the Church and found guilty of heresy. This proves that for there to be progress, trouble has to follow. However, this example took place during the early 1600’s, the trouble that follows progress is still true today. Even today people do not like when people challenge their beliefs. Usually when this happens the person tries to suppress the other person even if said person knows that they are wrong. In academics the quote from Charles F. Kettering rings true because for a thought or ideal to progress a person must face trouble for it to become …show more content…

Kettering once said, “The price of progress is trouble.” This statement is true in many ways. For anything to progress the side that wants to progress has to face trouble and overcome it. It is repeated by history that anytime there is progress in any form there is always adversity or trouble. In academics anytime a person has a thought that contradicts the popular belief there is trouble. In civil rights, for there to be a progression of rights the group has to fight and this creates trouble. In technology there has been many advancements that have caused trouble that could not have been predicted before advancing. With any type of progression whether it be in the past, present, or future will always be met with some form of resistance which will lead to trouble. The statement, ”The price of progress is trouble” is proven true by trouble caused by advancements in academics, civil rights, and

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