Proclamation Of 1763 Essay

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The Proclamation of 1763 set into motion a series of actions that would reverberate into a future that, at the time, the Crown and the Colonist could not have imagined the results of those actions. Decisions made by the Crown and responses to those actions by the Colonists created a complex situation that nearly 100 years later would tear apart a Nation that did not exist at the time the Proclamation was issued.
A peace, ending the war between France and England, may have come to the colonies through the Treaty of Paris in 1763 but in the same year King George the Third of England issued a proclamation that was to be the first in a line of Royal decisions that would eventually lead to the separation of the colonies from the British and in …show more content…

After the French and Indian War, England had gained new territories west of the Appalachian mountains for which the Crown had specific plans which was to be laid out in the form of a proclamation. 1 The King issued the proclamation of 1763 which said that colonists would be prohibited from settling in the new lands west of the Appalachian divide. The King proclaimed that the newly acquired lands would be given to the Indians and no settlers could cross the divide, except traders licensed by the Crown. The Proclamation of 1763 was seen as the best way to prevent violence with the Indians, and keep the colonies close to the mother country. “western expansion seemed a good way to save money, prevent trouble with the Indians, and keep the colonies tied closely to the mother country.” (The American Nation 100). The Proclamation of 1763 was quickly followed by the Sugar Act , in 1764 and the Stamp Act a year later. These three decisions by the Crown brought together Colonists in opposition to the decisions and eventually opposition to the Crown itself. These Colonists, these soon to be revolutionaries and nation builders …show more content…

The outcome of the war increased the nations spirit and expansionism.
The Monroe Doctrine was delivered to the Congress by President James Monroe on December 1823. The Monroe Doctrine helped the United States make sure that they had no interference with the western expansion. The Doctrine was a statement that the American continents were free from future colonization by any European powers. which means that the United States would not interfere in Europe 's affairs, and Europe would not interfere in American affairs. The Monroe Doctrine was the final stage and the framework for our freedom and independence. The Monroe Doctrine was the closest to Manifest Destiny would come to

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