Problem Of Hunger In America

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Hunger in america is a huge problem. 15 million children in america face some degree of food absence every day. Without nutritious food a childs future is put at risk. There are three reasons why hunger in america is a problem, one kids who do not get enough food do poor in school. Two is because hunger is connected to poverty. Three is that in genral no one wants to be hungry. My fourth reason is that it harms child development. Those are my three reasons on why we should stop hunger in america. To start, we need to stop hunger in america because children do worse in school when they are hungry. "81% of teacher report students coming to school hungry at least once a week". This is a problem because them students become less focused during the day. Educators in classrooms that are fed, 73% of them say that kids pay better attention in class, 53% of them say they see improved attendace and 48% of them say they see fewer disiplinary problems. America needs to find a solution to this because it helps kids in school. …show more content…

"Under the Supplemental Poverty Measure, there are 48.4 million people living in poverty, nearly 2 million more than are represented by the official poverty measure (46.7 million)". That just shows how many people go hungry every day. Many people that go hungry live on less than $5.00 a day. This means that poverty is the true cause of hunger. That is because it is not that there is not enough food but that people cannot afford food. To countinue, my third reason is that in general no one wants to go hungry. Who wants to be hungry. Being hungry is painful and uncofterable. It makes you unhealthy and kids who go hungry not get the right nutirents. 100% of people say that they do not want to go

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