Privileged Vs. Poverty Analysis

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Privileged vs. Poverty In most developed nations, observers would likely see young children and even babies, with technology. They are even applications that appeal to infants and toddlers who live in undeveloped nations. However, for many poor people, especially younger kids, technology is not a part of their lives. Survival is the most important for them. There are many people in the world that do not have much and are more focused on survival. Some privileged children do not even notice some other children that are not as privileged. In the painting of two children found on the blog Muslinah Blogens illustrates the disparities between poor and wealth within the world. At first glance, the viewer sees a healthy child with an apple device. This indicates that his family is wealthy, have means to provide a pricey piece of technology for their child. Some parents think that technology is the way to occupy their children. They use technology as a part of a babysitter. When parents do that at an early age, the …show more content…

The child is more focused on eating than anything else in the world. The young child might not have a family that can find food for him, so he has to go get food himself. When people see young children, who must beg for their food on the streets people have to tend to think that they are far removed from these cases. In this painting viewers see discrepancies between the two worlds. One is well fed, uses technology, and looks happy while the other child needs food to survive. The young child has a worn shirt that looks ripped and dirty. This young child looks dirty and seems poor, and is more worried about surviving than anything. He might not even eat everyday but, once he is able to eat or find food, he probably yearns for more food. Some of these children are the kindest because they appreciate food more than using the newest

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