Prison Riots

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Some positions are easier than others. For example being in management in a retail store is a 1000 times easier and better than management positions in prisons. Correctional facilities are one of the toughest to operate and have the most obstacles in operating. Some obstacles can include: overcrowding, continuous flow of violent and dangerous inmates, and even prison riots. According to, a riot is a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes. Some riots are characterized by organization and demands, others by weak and confused formation of leadership, or conflict and violence among inmates themselves. Effective and efficient …show more content…

Some ways to provide inmates a clean facility is to have them work to clean the prison. Prisoners will be satisfied with their living conditions; additionally they will be engaged in activity preventing them from plotting escapes or riots. Placing prisoners with prisoners who have committed similar crimes will also decrease outbreaks. When non-violent criminals are paired with violent criminals there is emotional and psychological damage that can influence their actions. Prison staff also needs to be properly trained to combat and prevent riots and outbreaks from occurring. They need to be prepared to deal with a riot in the case that one was to occur. In conclusion, prison riots are costly, deadly, and frightening. Trenton, New Mexico, and Attica are all examples of the destruction that can be caused by riots. Riots usual occur when prisoners are mistreated due to overcrowding, inhumane actions, and bad living conditions. Riots can be avoided by creating programs to occupy inmates, maintain the prison living conditions, and proper training for faculty staff. Government and prison officials need to begin exploring alternative options such as the amending prison sentences for

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