Prison Reform Research Paper

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For years there has been debate about the living conditions that Canada’s prisons force its prisoners into, with many people arguing that Canada has created a prison pipeline in which they do not prepare individuals for life outside of prison. Many other countries have implemented prison systems that can properly rehabilitate inmates, yet Canada continues to use outdated practices such as solitary confinement. It is for these reasons that the Canadian prison system requires reform as the current conditions created in prisons are inhumane, they do not prepare inmates for the real world, and because the system is focused on punishment instead of rehabilitation. The first reason for the need of prison reform is the inhumane conditions that the …show more content…

A prime example of this is the correctional system in Norway, which has an incarceration rate of 75 people per 100,000, in comparison to Canada’s of 118 per 100,000 (Keystone, 2017). Norway’s recidivism rate is also half of Canada’s at 20% percent (Keystone, 2017). This is achieved because the entire Norway correctional system is based on rehabilitation. Prisoners in general get much shorter sentences, but one is not allowed to be released until they are deemed to be able to function properly in society. The punishment for a crime is a loss of freedom, but nothing else. Inmates are responsible for working and cooking so that they are equipped with the skills needed in society. As Are Hoidel (2017), a prison director, put it: “"every inmates in Norwegian prison are going back to the society. Do you want people who are angry — or people who are rehabilitated?". By reforming the Canadian corrective system, Canada will have more prepared citizens, which will translate to economic benefit. Some prisons currently spend up to $100,000 a year per inmate, and by decreasing the amount of inmates by focusing on rehabilitation, millions of Canadian tax dollars can be saved (Green,

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