Priscilla's Actions Against Kobra

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Priscilla's actions toward Kobra were justified because Monk and his gang deserved it. Monk went around, terrorizing people, and taking money from them. Monk probably deserved to be put in a locker by Priscilla because of all the horrible things he did to the students. All Priscilla did was stand up for her friend, Melvin, because he was getting bullied by Kobra. She didn't do anything wrong. Priscilla only did what she thought was right for her friend. She didn't want her friend, Melvin, to get hurt because of Monk and his gang. Her actions were justified because if she didn't do anything, Melvin could have gotten really hurt, or she could have gotten hurt. Anyway Monk and his gang deserved it because they went around taking money and hurting lots of people. Mark and his gang went around the school, hurting and terrorizing people. Many of the children in school had scars and bruises because of this. These are the reasons why Mark deserved to be put into a locker and because he probably has done this to many other people. Also Priscilla only did it to protect Melvin. If Mark and his gang had never bullied Melvin in the first place, then they would have never been in this situation. Priscilla would have never put Mark in a locker and she wouldn't have hurt anyone. It is clear that most of the kids at …show more content…

But, considering she saved a friend, it is clear that she is a hero. Maybe if she could have talked Monk into not hurting Melvin, then she wouldn't have put Monk in a locker. Even is she did that, maybe Monk would have hurt her friend anyway, so this would be the most effective way of getting Melvin out of trouble. If she didn't do anything at all, her friend would get hurt. Some people might believe that Priscilla is depicted as a hero in this story because she saved her friend from getting hurt from a bully. So she really wasn't a bully, but she was doing the right

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