Principles of good customer service

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Principles of good customer service

It is very important to give excellent customer service when out in

resort working as a rep. customer service can be given by one person

or alternatively it can be given out as a team. This is to ensure that

the customers get the best from there holiday, and so that they build

a rapor with you to gain trust for them to come back time and time

again. Seeing the customer happy also benefits you as a rep and gives

you good job satisfaction. There are many different types of giving

good customer service:

Body language

When dealing with a customer you must always use positive body

language. Giving lots of eye contact is always good because the

customer feels that you are giving them you full attention and that

you are developing an understanding of there needs. Also facial

expressions reveal opinions, emotions and moods better than any of the

other body parts. The way that your face expresses feelings i.e.

smiling or frowning will always allow the customer to discover how you

are feeling towards them.

First Impressions

First impressions count in any business, particularly overseas where

dealing with people is such an important part of the work. You need to

understand that the way you and your organisation present themselves

to customers has a direct influence on their enjoyment, your job

satisfaction and the future success of the organisation that employs

you. In particular when meeting a customer for the first ...

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