Principles And Values For A Successful Family By Ellen G. White

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According to Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” In essence, this book is more focused on how God expects us, as individuals to follow in is foot step and adapt his attributes. The book ‘Principles and values for a successful family” written by Ellen G. White, it highlights certain principles, morals and values that aids in upholding a stable marriage and family. It is use as a means of helping individuals prevent marital and family conflicts throughout their life in case they arise. It portrays certain variables that each family member of a sub-system within a family should understand and respect aspects of an individual and understand that each individual is unique, they serves a purpose and their wishes should be respected. In different aspects of the book it highlights what it takes in being a successful family and how it can impact them. It demonstrates the foundation of progress, the leader influence the family and the family on a whole influence the society. So what we do and partake in as a family that will be the outcome of society whether it be negative …show more content…

Every individual in society wants to feel that they matter and can make a difference even though often times they are taunted by negativity. They want to know their worth on earth and what will happen to them in the world to come. This book will help them to understand self and build on their self-esteem and character, whereby in the process teaching their children to do the same. Hence communication is the best policy. It will help them to build family activities so that each individual with feel that they matter because of just being involved with family members rather than just social interaction activities. In the home is where life begins, so it is an obligation to take the best actions to regain and maintain a successful

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