Princess Bride Themes

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The movie, the Princess Bride is an annoying comedy takeover of a classic romantic and adventurous tale. That has absolutely failed in creating the quite dumb and annoying plot and characters into irresistibly funny ones. As the director Rob Reines takes us through the boring tale into medieval times. As Wesley (Carrie Ewes) is a local farm boy who plays the brave and courageous character that has fallen in love with a young girl Buttercup (Robin Wright) as they soon fall in love with each other but cannot marry as they have no money and Wesley is forced to leave. Further into the movie a Prince named Humperdinck forces Buttercup to marry him but before this three men named Fezzik, Inigo Montoya and Vezznik kidnap the Princess. But as the audience see’s and hear these characters they are completely put off as the attempt to be funny with repetitive lines from them just become completely annoying throughout the movie. As well as throughout the movie the setting is all over the place constantly changing across the ocean, in castles and across grassy landscape as it tries to represent medieval times. Which creates and shows this movie to be a bad version of a Spec fiction with it being a romantic and adventurous tale. But as Wesley is finally reunited with Buttercup they are captured by …show more content…

There is also symbolism of power and manliness as Swords are used and most action fights in the movie involve swords but in all fight scenes they are boring as they lack all intensity. As Wesley receiving help from two of the men that rescued him from the dungeon that he had fought to get to Buttercup back actually came and helped him get into the castle she was being held in and many fights occurred that lacked any excitement which is an example of repetitive, annoying and useless scenes throughout the

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