Princess And The Frog

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“The Princess and the Frog” The Princess and the Frog is an animated film that was introduced by Disney in 2009. The film introduced Disney’s ninth princess, and their first princess of the African American descent, Princess Tiana. In this fairy tale, Tiana is an intelligent and beautiful waitress with the hopes of opening her own restaurant, but with the intent of helping a prince, who was already cursed as a frog, was transformed into a frog after kissing him. There were positive outcomes than negative outcomes with Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog”. One of the biggest positive outcomes of the film is Disney finally having an African American princess. This had a huge impact on the African American youth, particularly African American …show more content…

It is no secret that people of color have been compared to animals, and during majority of the film the two main characters are frogs. This outcome faced criticism from more adults than the youth, and it did not help that Disney does have a history of incorporating racist remarks or “humor” in their early works. I also see this negative outcome as a positive. At the end of the day, and film, Tiana went from being a waitress and a frog, to becoming a beautiful princess who lived happily ever after with the restaurant that she always dreamed of having and her prince. The overall story line gives the youth something positive to learn from. The film teaches viewers nothing is impossible, and that any obstacle in life can be conquered if you set your mind to it. Another positive outcome of Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog,” were emphasizing Tiana’s morals, values, and intelligence. Letting her new fans know that she was not your average princess who is saved by the prince. Tiana was depicted as brave throughout the movie, even as a frog. Even though the film received backlash from critics who did not approve of the “colored” characters being frogs, it still shows the younger audience that no matter how small someone tries to make you feel you can always achieve the impossible. I believe this is important to children of color, especially those who are belittle while attending school or participating in sports because of the color of their skin. It happens, and people tend to ignore

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