Pride In Dante's Purgatory, The Divine Comedy

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why they do not have to carry the stones anymore when the penance for Pride is completed. Through Purgatory, it is easy to see the verse in the Bible which pride does bring a person down. In Purgatory, the Proud say that they are like worms but will become butterflies as long as their penance is completed. Butterflies have wings which represent they can be closer to Heaven. James 5:4 says that "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." That means God will give people chances to be closer to the Heaven when people know how to humble themselves. It is pretty similar when comparing the verses in the Bible and Dante's Purgatory. Both of them are saying that Proud will have to humble themselves. In Purgatory, the Proud humble themselves through Poetic Purgation. In Canto X of Dante's Purgatory, the third example he talks about is about the great noble emperor, Trajan. He is the Roman Empire from 98 AD until his death in 117 AD. Trajan sought to extend the boundaries of the empire to the east, undertook a vast building program, and enlarged social welfare (Hammond). However, Trajan is not being proud of himself, he …show more content…

The soul Vanni Fucci whom in the Inferno is an example of the sin of thievery. Those souls whom like Vanni Fucci get the punishment of bound hands behind their back by the snakes, so they cannot steal again. This shows Poetic Justice because the souls can get the punishment fits their sin in life. In Purgatory, the Proud moved beneath the stones so they could learn to be humble. But in Purgatory, the souls get purification but not punishment. This shows the Poetic Purgaotion. Piccarda and Empress Constance are examples of Absolute Will. They were forced to do something they were not willing to, they did it because they had no choice. They never agreed with they evil, which showed their Absolute Will so they could go to Heaven. This showed the Divine

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