Pride And Prejudice Social Status Quotes

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Part 1 In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen begins her novel by emphasizing the significance of social status. The novel begins with the Bennet household. This family consists of Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Bennet, and their five daughters. The Bennet family introduces an important idea of the novel, which is the difference in social status.
In the novel, the importance of social status is illustrated through the introduction Charles Bingley, a wealthy individual. Mrs. Bennet admires this wealthy individual because she wants to have one of her daughters to marry him. Mrs. Bennet desires that all five of her daughters get married to a wealthy man like Bingley. The author shifts the setting from a simple family atmosphere to a wealthier setting in order to display the difference of social status. At the dance Mrs. Bennet desires to get the attention of Mr. Bingley towards one of her daughters. This dance displays the difference of views of social status. As the wealthy display a higher sense of pride the standard individuals display more …show more content…

In the novel, the honor of an individual is based on the amount fortune that they withhold. This quote also implies that privileged of a man is greater in comparison to a woman.
Austen implies the theme of duty by stating that, “if I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield, said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, “and all other equally well married, I shall have nothing to for.” Mrs. Bennet views that it is her duty to get her daughters married into a wealthy family. She wishes for an alliance from a wealthy family because she desires that her daughter live in a highly respectable environment. As a mother Mrs. Bennet want the best and most comfortable lifestyle for her

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