Treating Gun Violence as a Curable Disease

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Gun violence is a significant matter in America’s society today, but how can America initiate change? America needs to start confronting this situation as if it could be rectified. According to Josh Sanburn, in his article “Can we curb gun violence by treating it like a disease?” he claims that gun violence can be cured by meeting with and counseling those who were victimized before they in turn become the ones inflicting violence. The reason individuals will inflict the same pain they suffered onto another person is for vengeance. Therefore, having the ability to diagnose gun violence can result in less destruction and a more civilized future. Individuals seek retaliation when they have been victimized. In Sanburn’s article, a recent study states that about 31 percent of individuals who have been a victim, will end up conflicting violence to another person. Communities have developed organizations that assist the victimized in …show more content…

According to Sanburn, Congress has not funded gun violence research for over a decade. Meanwhile, police are in disagreement with the organizations like CeaseFire and SOS because they do not share vital information. Also the National Rifle Association insists that there is not a problem with guns. Although, even with this resistance, individuals are still attempting to make a difference in their communities to continue to agitate to prevent gun violence. Gun violence may always be an issue in America. Guns are never going to be banned because the second amendment permits the right to bare arms. However, if individuals invest energy into victims, it might save a human being or counteract the next mass shooting. Sanburn’s essay was very impactful and had substantial key points on how America can start curing gun violence. Even though violence cannot be avoided, it might be able to prevent it from

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