Pretty Little Liars Role In Society

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Cultural Product “Pretty Little Liars” shows vulnerable teenage girls, but does not exclude boys in its insanity and mysterious plots, twist which is magnified into life experiences which only to my knowledge can be overcome with friendship, hard work, and basic family values and traditions. The above show can be interpreted in many ways one is overcoming obstacles, second is working as a team to find the truth which will relieve their burdens. What is Pretty Little Liars role in society? The role of culture product known as “Pretty Little Liars” role in society is to inform the public that their maybe predators, some seen, some not, but through hard work, determination and good old fashion traditions and values we can overcome anything. Friendship is a golden product which helps us through life's struggles. Teamwork helps us know our role in society by showing us good work ethics and a strong bond between friends. Social media has the biggest role in society because it …show more content…

No one should have to be judged by what they want to be whether it is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or hetero-sexual we are all the same no matter what we feel on the inside. All most all schools say a girl cannot play a boy sport because they will get hurt; girls should be able to play whatever sport they want to know matter what the outcome may be. Also, every school has the rule no sexual relationship between teacher and students because they follow the rule of boundaries between teacher and student. Do you agree that students and teachers should not be able to date each other? Do you all agree that people should be allowed to date whoever they want? Do you hate feminism or do you agree with feminism? If we let these issues go with kids will continue to stay in the closet, never becoming who they truly are meant to be, and a teacher will hurt a

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