Preparing For Death In American Culture

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While death is not often talked about in American culture, talking about it is one of the best ways to prepare for death. There are many ways someone can prepare for their own death or the death of a loved one. For those who are elderly, or terminally ill, and it is known death is not far off for them, considering a place to die is largely important. Many people wish to die in the comfort of their own homes, but this is often not the best option. Laura Berk states that when awaiting death in a home environment, normal, everyday activities can be strenuous. It can be hard on the person dying, and on the family or friends responsible for caring for them (2014). Thus, considering specialized hospital placement, nursing homes, or hospice care may ease the transition. …show more content…

Preparing a living will is another key part of feeling prepared and ready for dying, expected or unexpected. People may specify the treatments they wish to receive, who would be responsible for their wellbeing (Berk, 2014), and where they wish their possessions to be distributed after death. Lastly, and possibly most importantly, is emotionally and mentally preparing for death. Laura Berk explains that those who are expecting death can engage in something called anticipatory grieving. This is defined as being able to prepare emotionally for the death of a loved one by acknowledging that the loss is inevitable (2014). Although, not all deaths are anticipated, some are sudden and without warning. In this case the best thing to do is to be open about talking about death and acknowledging the possibility. Being at peace with the uncertainty and inevitability of death are very important factors in preparing for

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