Preparing For A Test Research Paper

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Preparing for a test can be a very stressful, and annoying activity for a student. The anxiety a student can get right before taking a test can be at an all-time high. The feeling you get walking into the classroom, butterflies in your stomach, heart pounding, and sweaty palms. A student can prepare for a test really well, and know all the information, and when they go take the test, their memory can just all erase at that one moment. I am no stranger to admitting studying for a test and taking tests is stressful. When the teacher assigns a test the first thought that comes to a students mind is never a good one. I find preparing for a test very hard. Even if it is an easy test. It feels like I suffer all kinds of anxiety when studying. …show more content…

These are the major tests mainly high school students take to get into a college. These tests are about 5 hours and it feels like a 10 hour test when taking it. There is not many things you can do to prepare for these tests. You can buy an ACT practice book, the book will give you certain tips on how to do well on the test. There are tutoring classes that most students will have to pay for. This test can make or break a student, because if they do badly on it they will not get into the college that they want to get into. I am not a fan of standardized tests, mainly because I do not think that they are fair, and many students would agree with …show more content…

Why? Because it is just stressful for a student. No student needs more stress in their life, because most likely they already have enough. So just prepare for it in advance. If you have a lot of information to take in, take bits and pieces of it every night and put it into your brain. When the next day comes, you should review what you studied yesterday and go on. I find that very helpful when I prepare for my test. Be confident in yourself and there will be no anxiety. Tests are very important to a student. If you pass your tests, you graduate college, get your degree, and get a good job and you are set. That is why test preparation is the most important thing to

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