Preditors and Prey in Organisms

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Firstly I will start from explaining words predator and prey.
Namely in ecology predators are those animals that survive by quarrying on other animals or plants for food. Many predators hunt and eventually kill their prey for example owls are predators and they prey on mice. Predatory animals may hunt in groups like wolves or may be a lone hunter like leopards. Preys are the organisms hunted by predators.

Puffer fish is a great example of an animal which has an anti-predation protection mechanism.

I decided to write about Puffer Fish because it is second the most poisonous animal on the earth following the Golden Poison Frog, as well as its ability to defence itself from predators by using its elastic stomach to inflate huge amounts of water/ air to turn themselves into a “ball” a number of times their normal size, what results in making it much harder to eat.
When facing a hungry hunter the ballfish rapidly swallow around 35 gulps of water in the course of 14seconds which are then pumped into stomach. Biologist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Elizabeth Brainerd, has recently shown that a pufferfish’s stomach is a perfect water ballon. As water pours into it, the stomach expands up to 100 times its normal volume. Pufferfish skin is also set for ballooning. It is made of wavy fibres that straighten out as the fish inflates. When the skin expands the fish’s tail and fins immerse into skin, forming a nearly perfect sphere (balloon). When the wavy fibres finally pull tight, they become hard, giving the pufferfish a tough shell that protect from predators, giving them a hard time to penetrating. Some species have spines normally hiding in these skin fibres, but when skin is tighten spines flip up. When fish gets bigger it gives a signal to predator “don’t come closer I’m not so small as you thought”.
Some ichtiologists argue that the pufferfish developed its ability to inflate due to its slow, clumsy swimming skills which makes the vulnerable to predators. However can we call these animals a prey??
To achieve the ability to such extreme transformation, the puffer fish came through the major evolution of its internal skeleton. Ribs and pelvic part of girdle have been lost and other parts of girdle have been modified to enable the pumping mechanism.

Some species coming from family of Tetraodontiformes also have large spines

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