Pre-Workout Research Paper

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1. What is it? a. Pre-workout supplementation can be in powder, drink, or pill form. While there are several herbs, minerals and vitamins, the specific grouping of them encourages a bodily response to promote the heightening of performance levels. Generally, pre-workout supplements can have an influence on: stamina, energy, strength, and muscle building potential. It is important that people understand there are a wide variety of supplements out there, and what works for one, may not always work for someone else. Furthermore, depending on the overall goal, will determine if you want to take one that emphasizes fat burning, muscle building, and the varying levels of stimulants (more cardio with energy based or strength conditioning based with …show more content…

When do people use it? a. It is used prior to a workout to enhance performance, such as stamina, energy, strength, and ability to grow your muscles. 3. What do you hypothesize? a. I predict that by using pre-workout, with beneficial ingredients (not just caffeine) prior to engaging in exercise that it will promote longer, and stronger workouts that help to promote quicker weight loss and or muscle building. For me personally, I feel it would be more beneficial when in correlation to muscle building vs endurance exercise as it gives a short, but strong amount of energy. 4. Why did you choose this topic? a. I chose this topic, because I myself take pre-workout on days that I am not going to the bed within 6 hours. I find that I am more focused, feel more energized 5. Is it one tailed or two? a. Both studies that I looked at used ANOVA testing b. Within the article the effect of acute pre-workout supplementation on power and strength performance, it utilized one tailed testing c. Within the article the effects of a pre-workout supplement containing caffeine, creatine, and amino acids during three weeks of high-intensity exercise on aerobic and anaerobic performance it utilized two tailed testing. 6. independent and dependent …show more content…

The supplement industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry that only continues to skyrocket. Due to the increase, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found it hard to keep up with the ability to regulate. In turn, producers do not have to obtain authorization from the FDA when they want to market or sell any nutritional enhancements. Thus, I think it is important to be well informed on these products, as well as how they influence and affect our bodies. Nevertheless, while a supplement should essentially be safe to humans, the FDA's role in regulating muscle building, weight loss, and other nutritional enhancements is principally one based off of examination and supervision. In turn, When the FDA determines that a dietary supplement poses a health risk to people, it can issue a recall or take other actions to limit the product's use or sale. Nevertheless, it must reach that point. In turn, it is important to be well educated and monitor what we are putting into our

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