Pre-Service Teacher Attitudes

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The attitudes of pre-service teachers towards inclusive education is a widely researched field, with research focusing on the variables which influence positive and negative attitudes. Demographic differences such as age, gender, formal education and teaching experience have been reported as significant factors influencing pre-service teachers attitudes towards inclusive practice (Avramidis & Norwich, 2002; Forlin, Loreman, Sharma, & Earle, 2009; Kraska & Boyle, 2014). Although, Sharma and Nuttal (2016) indicate that teaching experience needs to be accompanied with the knowledge and skills to successfully teach all students. Therefore, the completion of formal education that highlights inclusive education throughout all units and specific units focused on inclusive education will support pre-service teachers …show more content…

Researchers have concluded that the participants with close contact with a person with a disability were more confident with implementing inclusive education, therefore, having more positive attitudes (Forlin et al., 2009; Sharma & Nuttal, 2014; Specht et al., 2016). However, the severity of the disability is also a significant factor in pre-service teacher attitudes. Varcoe & Boyle (2014) & Vaz et al., (2015) conclude that children with mild to moderate disabilities are more likely to be perceieved as positive. Additionally, pre-service teachers display a less positive attitude towards students with emotional and behavioural problems in comparison to children with intellectual disabilities (Forlin et al., 2009). The availability of specialist support is an additional factor which influences pre-service teachers attitudes towards inclusion. The research in this field argues that teachers attitudes towards inclusive education are the main factor in successfully including a diverse range of children into the

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