Prayer And Religion

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This article talks about people who are under a certain trance when they pray. To perform a ritual in which it takes a long length of time includes constant prayer to achieve. The thing is which spirit is it? Is it a good spirit or a bad spirit? During these times of unceasing prayer or ritual people are likely to experience the divine. That there is a point that is reached in prayer that makes it more common to experience this spirituality and unusual experiences of the divine. During these times those who have the capacity for and train themselves in it are the more likely to have seen or felt the presence of god. Their beliefs in invisible intentional beings is widespread.
There is a new body of work that says it is the product of intuitive …show more content…

To “never cease praying”. There are those who are more gifted than others, some can heal, some have discernment of spirits, others have wisdom (I Cor 12:8-11). Each member one at a time learned how to pray and become engrossed with that prayer. By learning how to pray is like looking at the world in a whole new way. Mental images become sharper, such experiences are technically called “hallucinations”. Congregants are used to describe their experiences. The Tellegen Absorption Scale (Tellegen & Atkinson 1974) does not measure your religiosity but rather your willingness to be religious and to believe. When testing the congregants were unable to report an experience on demand. Absorption is the individual capacity to become focused and ignore the everyday distractions that comes with normal life. There are so many distractions that it is difficult to stay focused. So, the degree of absorption varies with individuals. Absorption does not explain religion but it does help you to understand why some people become gifted practitioners of their faith and others who continue to struggle to become this way. At the heart of the religious impulse lies the capacity to imagine a world beyond the one we have before

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