Power And Identity Essay

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Power And Identity: Representations Of Kingship And The Realities Of Power Question: power and Identity: Discuss the relationship between representations of kingship and the realities of power. Power and Identity are two aspects that are heavily connected during the middle ages. The King was at the top of the hierarchy, he had an identity and a special role that he plays, this role, indicates, however, that he holds the power within the society, but he needs support to retain that power. That is where his lords come in, and the lords need a military power to support their claims over the peasants. This is a general idea of the way power was dispersed in the medieval period. The higher a person is, as a result the more power and control he/she has, and the more the person is defined and recognized, ergo the lower he/she in the hierarchy, the less power and individualism is given. The use of art as a tool was common during this time period, and there was an opportunity for me to have illiterates within the population, the use of art to teach and communicate as a universal language that was used. It was not uncommon for the works of art or everyday objects to have multiple uses or meanings, as it could be read differently depending on who was reading it. This paper …show more content…

However, the general consensus is that the medieval society is described as a feudal based one. A major aspect that is focused on is the hieratical style of the system, there was a clear ‘pyramid of power’, where the monarch, King, was at the top followed by the lords, knights, then peasants or serfs. This power hierarchy was transmitted through the different works or art and everyday objects that could be a reflection of society or play a more political role in that and because as some form of

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