Poverty In The United States

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The problems within society can be viewed through multiple perspectives. Poverty may be considered as a social problem to some, and as the problem of an individual by another. One must be able to look at and be willing to try to understand the viewpoints of those with different beliefs and opinions to comprehend how society functions. Mr. Yandall, a 70-year-old man who has lived in rural Arkansas for his entire life is likely to have different views and opinions than the 21-year-old Mr. Williams, who is a college student. Both grew up in poverty and were raised in small homes with many siblings. Drug use has impacted both of their lives, and they both considered it the nations must important social issue. They did not have similar solutions to the issue however. Mr. Williams said “(As a society) We should focus more on rehabilitation instead of prevention.” Mr. Yandall believes that the government should be more strict when it comes to the issue of immigration, and that this will lead to less narcotics entering the country. Mr. Yandall, a Vietnam War veteran, feels that society has became more problematic as he ages. “Terrorism is just something you never used to hear about.” He lived through the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, he said that he remembered coming in from his chicken houses to hear about the planes hitting the tower. Mr. …show more content…

Williams sees sexual abuse as a major issue in society. He believes the issue is one that has come about in recent years, and that the rise of the internet and social media has only worsened this problem. “People can say anything that they want online without any consequences.” He also stated that The President of The United States’ behavior and history of sexual harassment normalized this type of thinking. Mr. Williams feels that though society had been getting better and that many social problems were on the decline, “The transition between a nice, diligent president to a hate filled man-child has set us back a

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