Poverty In Haiti Essay

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Haiti has been in extreme poverty for numerous years now, and there has been no sign of improvement. There are a ton of organizations that help countries around the world, but it costs a lot and takes a lot of time. Some people do not have the money and time to always help improve countries. On the other hand, Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. They do not have access to fresh water, some do not have resources for food and they do not have a lot of shelter. It is possible to come up with something and bring Haiti out of this deep hole that they are in. After researching all of the strategies and ideas that people had about helping Haiti, there was one that stuck out to me. Haiti has about $20 billion dollars worth of minerals and with this, the country …show more content…

David Brown wrote the article, “For Haitian families trying to get out of poverty, personal coaches”, and there are agents that will work as personal assistants as health educators, vaccinators, epidemiologist, financial analyst, social worker, scheduler and advocate all at the same time. According to Brown, (2012), “With the agent’s help, a family will assess its needs and come up with a plan to make things better. In about two years, the families and their household will be reexamined (para. 8). If the helpers are making a difference, then the strategy of training people out of poverty may be expanded throughout the country. At the end of the article, Brown talks about the agents in the houses and talks about different aspects of their experiences. This solution would not be as effective because it is not clear of how Haiti would defeat poverty and how it benefits. In addition, the author has no trace of having any other articles or credentials. Research was done and there was nothing found. Although this is a good solution, there is no background information on the author to make it good

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