Poverty And Homelessness In The United States

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Why is poverty and homelessness important to know about? What are some of the causes and effects of poverty? What are some things we can do to help? These are all important things to know about. The reason poverty and homelessness are so important is because a massive amount of people are starving or without a home.

Poverty has a very vast impact on the United States and the whole world. Families who live in poverty have a difficult time getting food. If someone is homeless, they do not have a home and often have a difficult time getting food. People can become hungry and homeless by losing their job, so they can not pay rent. Also they do not have much money for food. 46.7 million Americans in the year of two thousand fourteen lived below the poverty line. At least five hundred thousand people are homeless in America. In addition the two states with the …show more content…

The people who are homeless need food to stay healthy ,and a place to sleep. Scientists have found that growing up poor is damaging for the brains. The study has shown that the kids in poverty might have a harder time vanquishing in school. Fifty-one percent of students in U.S public schools are in low income families. The children growing poor can experience unsafe neighborhoods, stressed parents, and not as much healthy food. Another problem is food waste we waste voluminous amounts of food. How can we help people who are dealing with homelessness or poverty? Food drives at school or work, you can bring canned food to donate to the food drive who feed the people in poverty or homeless. Italy is trying to pass a new law to help them donate food instead of wasting it. Also, you could give clothes, blankets, or food to shelters. Tell people about how of a deal homelessness and poverty are. If you know there is a food drive going on at school, tell your friends about it because if you do it your friends are more likely to

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