Potential Barriers To Occupational Therapy

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Another potential barrier could be the time needed to complete the education. With therapist being busy with patient care during work hours, therapists will be expected to take personal time to complete the education. Some participants may be opposed to giving up their lunch break, or are too busy after work to complete the online education modules. This barrier could potentially reduce the number of participants. Therefore, a reminder email is proposed by this therapist to be sent out at regular intervals during the week, and allow for the modules to be self-paced.
Finally, a potential barrier could occur with the technology. It is not uncommon for technology issues to occur, preventing participation. If a technological error does occur, participants could potentially not complete all education modules. Technical difficulties, according to Stizman, Ely, Bell, & Bauer (2010) as cited by (Wentling, Park, & Pieper,2007) can produce an adverse effect on online learning educational experience. If an adverse experience were to occur, this could lead to a therapist falling behind in the education and ultimately not completing the module.
The Significance of the EBOT Project to the Field of Occupational Therapy …show more content…

This EBOT project aims to follow the sentiments stated by AOTA in the Centennial vision, by increasing therapists’ knowledge of the ICU. The EBOT project has the potential to change current practicing occupational therapist understanding of how to care for and implement EM practice strategies with the patient in ICU. Improved knowledge of the ICU may encourage more therapists to become involved with therapy intervention with patients that are critically

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