Post Truth Research

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Post-Truth Research Truth, a difficult concept to imagine, is all around us, yet nearly unattainable. It applies to the laws that operate our world, yet we never fully grasp the concept. According to the American Thinker, Truth is seeing things as they really are and ascribing to them their appropriate valuations. This means that we observe the environment, then decide how important and relevant the observation is. However, this way of deciphering the algorithm of the world is inefficient, using previously made laws to create new ones, allowing for more error and ultimately inaccurate facts. There is a second aspect of finding truth. Some may believe something is true, though actual facts fail to support that claim. This is called post-truth, …show more content…

Two sources of this misinformation can come from those who don’t know better, so they create their own reality, and then those who intentionally try to mislead others by way of social media or other sources regularly viewed by the public. The reason we so easily accept this information, lacking in credibility, is because it appears appealing to us. It interests us, captivates us, and draws us into the belief that whatever we are reading is in fact a true statement. For example, given Donald Trump’s notable history as president, however short that time has been, there have been more than a few instances of people creating falsified stories, loosely based on obscure facts, regarding his outlandish behavior since entering office. These stories are soaked up by news sources and leaked to social media sites because they play on our emotions and ethics, stirring up a different feeling than the truth would. And after people read, and believe, these sources, they begin to spread like wildfire, online, on tv, and through the spoken word. It has become a post-truth era, where countless ideas which we believe to be true are in all actuality incorrect, whether the sources are simply ignorant to the truth or deliberately choosing to believe and tell a different …show more content…

Much of what we know today of current events comes from online sources on social media or as eye-catching links on the side of a website. These articles, though there could potentially be truth to them, almost always rely on captivating simple statements and stories that connect with the reader on an emotional level, rather than a logical one. This affects students’ education for the simple reason of our nearly inseparable connection with our cell phones and social media. This has become our go-to source for anything we want to know, and since fake news is so readily available to us, it is what we easily believe is true. The availability of fake news makes it’s presence known in the classroom, where students are distracted from the lesson by groundbreaking stories being shared across every media platform in existence, which a vast majority have access to. Even in politics, where our reliance for leadership lies, is tainted with post-truth information. Facts given to us by the presidential office, cleverly titled “alternative facts” by our highest elected official, show the true effect of how post truth can ruin credibility and trust. It even affects the education given by teachers, those who are paid to educate the next generation of children. History teachers can be swayed one way or another by news channels, constantly pushing out breaking news about

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